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[脩怎] 撠Web server(port 80)DDoS餅脰風,隞可ptables撖虫

潸” 2016-10-8 21:08:05 | 芰閰脖 撣 |摨閬 |梯璅∪
9 _, W7 x- a+ U. w: l* o0 @* L靘憒嚗雿臭誑啣銝chain嚗 iptables -N WEB_SRV_DOS ":WEB_SRV_DOS - [0:0]"
8 O+ d3 J# f/ H/ l$ ^, Q! ]嗅嚗其誑銝隞歹60蝘吩it port 80/443頞10甈∠IP餅銝西銝靘嚗( r* q8 s  s  b
  1. iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport dports 80,443 -j WEB_SRV_DOS
  2. iptables -A WEB_SRV_DOS -p tcp --syn -m multiport --dports 80,443 -m recent --rcheck --second 60 --hitcount 10 -j LOG --log-prefix "[Possible DOS Attack]"
  3. iptables -A WEB_SRV_DOS -p tcp --syn -m multiport --dports 80,443 -m recent --rcheck --second 60 --hitcount 10 -j REJECT        
  4. iptables -A WEB_SRV_DOS -p tcp --syn -m multiport --dports 80,443 -m recent --set        
  5. iptables -A WEB_SRV_DOS -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,443 -j ACCEPT
" f; C9 b1 U4 y+ O
憒雿dmesg唬憿航炊嚗        & W3 S$ M( r" X( R4 J' ?9 X
hitcount (200) is larger than packets to be remembered (20) 9 w3 @( H4 {' S6 K, L" f( ]
銵函內雿閮剖閬閮蝞甈⊥詨之履pt_recent閮剖銝嚗舫隤踵惺pt_recent moduleip_pkt_list_tot訾閫瘙箝' J6 T- ]6 E# I0 Y0 ~, |1 H

; B+ |2 y$ H( x9 t0 h. V; G- y8 L+ S2 h皜祈岫銝銝:1 C, i8 a& @6 T  r4 l% O0 {2 U
撠皜祈岫site澆箏之 http request [size=13.376px](臭誑撖怎撘靘頝嚗冽雓撌乩犖箸 灸rowser憭TAB嚗銝瑞reload蝬脤)
0 q* O) |- E0 u臭誑潛曉/var/log/message銝剖箇曆閮荔
$ s% a$ w, ^$ k) B( g" U* CMay 17 07:12:00 localhost kernel: [Possible DOS Attack]IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=XX:XX:XX:XX:43:77:00:1f:YY:YY:YY:YY SRC= DST= LEN=64 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=45026 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=59437 DPT=80 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
5 f4 o: [- D# B* g! Y$ i; x甇斗隞半rowser皜祈岫蝬脤嚗箇遨onnection refused嚗⊥銝(箸閮剖rule爹EJECT)
8 ]$ ~1 q# F& ~- yOK嚗iptablesipt_recent module潭桐其
7 o& M' h" ]' F  @
, o+ t# u: ?9 G) r蝯隢嚗4 D9 o5 k) \, H' X# Q, K4 b
(1) iptables函雯頝臬惜喲餅餅撠嚗撠serverloading敶梢輯撠
+ n2 ]+ L3 }$ `0 M2 e" @. \(2) iptables閮剖銝頛敶改舐其脰風80,443隞亙port, L/ u( R0 t4 X7 ^) L
(3) iptables航身摰潛函銝餅嚗箏究erver寥脰靽霅瘀臭誑摰其霈餅撠脣叫erver
& ^5 |) N6 ?- y% q# @+ X憒雿舐決S Windows + IIS嚗亙瑕嚗雿臭誑AQTRONIX WebKnight憟鞎餌web application firewall嚗鋆⊿W單脰風DDoS餅賬& Q0 O2 @( Q: g7 M6 h7 T

+ e5 x7 y% k  Z# l- V
! y! o3 M* m, r: http://blog.eztable.com/2011/05/17/how-to-prevent-ddos/
3 u. h+ M" U- B" S. B7 Q
3 S' v+ D+ H" k3 F' p' ]1 a================================================' G3 Q$ O" l5 j) n, p
菜葫舐IP 隞:, D) U3 [, s: t) _
sed 's/ .*//' access.log | sort | uniq -c | sort -n" i5 O, @6 \+ ]! R" V; Y% Z! H2 T
perl -ne 'print "$1*\n" if m#^((\d+\.){3})#' access.log | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
) R9 O7 w* [+ r




砍憛批捆靘餉衣雯頝臬批捆蝝颲行粹嗥蝬脩嚗摰撟湔遛嚗嚗甇脖誑銝嗅啣摰嗆摰撟湧翩鈭箏ㄚ孵舫脣伐銝憿亙祉璇甈橘芣遛18甇 雓蝯脣亦閬賬粹脩芣遛18甇脖芣撟渡雯閬賜雯頝臭嗥批捆鞈閮嚗撱箄降典舫脰蝬脰楝批捆蝝蝯蝜ICRA蝝摰鋆閮剖 (粹蝯行霅 祉蝬脣銝蝝瘛函隢憯啣嚗祉閮剜蝞∠)


GMT+8, 2024-5-3 22:04 , Processed in 0.072983 second(s), 19 queries .


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